My Ideal World Book


My ideal planet is called Unifiti. This world is full of different regions and cultures. This planet clumps together most of the continents and landscapes of the world. Most importantly, it’s always 70 degrees! The name of my planet, Unifiti, means “body.”

In this world, schooling is a bit different. Pre-K and kindergarten are not the same as on earth. Instead of learning basic cutting skills and how to work a glue stick for the whole year, that would be one unit on Unifiti. Then, for the rest of the year, you see what it’s like to explore different jobs and work on skills like cleaning everyone’s desk at the end of the day and making bookmarks for everyone. The rest of elementary school and middle school would follow the same path as preschool and kindergarten. When you get to high school, things change a little. It’s almost like college. You get to pick a high school specializing in what you want to be when you grow up. If you don’t know what you want to be when you grow up, you can pick a high school that teaches all the top professions. College would be the same as it is on Earth, too. Cooking and farming are mandatory for every grade.

This world’s housing format for every neighborhood is the same. In the middle of every neighborhood, there will be a Chick-fil-A, an In-N-Out Burger, a vegetarian McDonald’s, and a supermarket. Each house will be in a square format. There will be houses in a square in the outer part of the neighborhood. Also, all the houses will automatically have a pool and a farm. Then, in the inner part, there will be all the food places and a supermarket. There will be a sample house in every neighborhood, and each house will be pre-furnished. If you don’t like the furniture, there will be a certain place where people can drop and pick up furniture. The supermarket will also be outside, but when it’s raining, there will be an automatic cover.

The first region on this planet is the southern region. This region is called Esé meaning leg in Yoruba. Esé is where all the beaches are. It’s the best place to relax. There are a bunch of pools and shops and a lot of theme parks. Every house has a lot of windows because the sun always shines brightly. The northern region is called Orí. Orí means head in Yoruba. Orí resembles New York City. Everything is fast-paced and very crowded! Most of the big clothing stores, restaurants, and electronic stores are here. The buildings here are very tall and narrow. This is the only place where the housing layout differs. Instead of the double square layout, everyone lives in an apartment or penthouse. There are no single houses. The western region is called Apa Osi. Apa Osi is a left arm in Yoruba. This whole region is only a rainforest. The people of Unifiti get many resources from this rainforest. Only a few people live here. The south region is called Apa Otun. This means right leg. This place resembles the Grand Canyon. The landscape is very rocky and tough. The neighborhood layout is still the same, just with different houses. These houses have thick, sturdy walls to protect against falling rocks and boulders. In each religion, there is a council that rules over it.

In this world, we will have all the religions on earth and the same holidays, but there are also two new ones. One of them is March 26, Madison week. This is a holiday that starts on March 26th and lasts seven days. Every day, we do something Madison likes. For example, everyone could wear a bucket hat on the first day, or on day two, everyone can only eat at Chick-fil-A. The second new holiday is called Idae xOn Idae we celebrate every holiday in one day. Idae is on January 12th.  That is my ideal world, Unifiti. I hope to see you there!

My Wisdom Tale Comic

In class we were reading wisdom tales. Wisdom Tales are stories that teach you a lesson. They give different points of view. For instance, there was a wisdom tale called
The Three Wishes. In the book, a poor husband and wife have three wishes. They waste all three on fighting and then they have no more wishes left. This story teaches you to think before you speak.

I like wisdom tales because they don’t all follow the same structure. Sometimes they are longer and more complex like The Tiger’s Whisker and some are short and simple like Paca and Beetle. All of them aren’t, “Once upon a time there was a character who did this and learned a lesson.” Every story is special in its own way. It’s even more interesting that they come from different places around the world. Then we get to see how different or the same they are depending from where they came from.

For my wisdom tale comic I made it about The Talkative Turtle. I won’t spoil it but I have a picture right above. This story teaches you that it’s good to be humble. Before we started drawing for our comic we talked to an illustrator. His name was Brittain Peck. He is my friend’s dad. He showed us how basic shapes can tell a story. He told us the story of Little Red Riding Hood with a triangle! 

I used Ibis X paint to make my pictures and I used a lot of strategies like making layers so I didn’t have to redraw the characters in different settings or moving lines and pictures with the move tool. In Comic Life 3 I used some strategies too. When I needed a special speech bubble that they didn’t have, I used the option to make my own. I had never used Comic Life 3 before this project and it was super easy to learn.

Brittain Peck showed me that illustrating is not hard if you don’t over complicate it. You just have to break it up and do the drawing piece by piece. This whole project showed me how stories can teach you a lesson and to not over complicate things.

My Planking Journey


This year in Language Arts we did a planking challenge. The picture above is my habit tracker. We did this challenge from the end of October to December. All the colored spots are all the days I planked. As you can see, I wasn’t very consistent with my  planking. Sometimes I was too lazy and I wanted to do other things. Sometimes I just forgot. This taught me that I have something to work on. I need to work on being consistent! This activity showed me that when I make a commitment I have to do it. This activity taught me that everyday, all the time, even when it’s hard, I have to try and give 100%. Sometimes it’s hard to bring 100%, sometimes it’s about attitude. My teacher Mrs. Donnelly said that if you don’t think or believe you’re going to get all the way through, there is a slim chance you’ll get all the way through. If you have to a really hard essay question and you think you’re going to do poorly, there is a slim chance you’ll do well. Most of the time all you have to do is believe. So in conclusion, this exercise taught me strength, consistency, sticking to commitments, and to believe.

My Book Preferences


Screenshot from Google

I like to read because I love to find new things. I’m not a big nonfiction reader but I still learn from books. In the book series Amelia Bedelia, I learned if you close your nose while you eat something the taste goes away. I also love to read because when you’re really fixated on a book it really feels like you’re inside the book. If I have a hard time feeling like you’re inside the book then I usually (if it’s not a graphic novel) sketch what the characters would look like to me. I’m not an artist. What that does for me is whenever that character is saying something or doing something I picture that in my mind.

I think my biggest reading challenge is finding different genres. The genre I read the most is graphic novels. I think the reason I like them so much is because it’s easier to picture everything but in a regular novel there are not as many colors or not enough things that grab my attention. I just find graphic novels easier to read, but if I were to pick another genre it would probably have to be humor. I love anything funny!

To be honest I don’t like audio books. I am a visual learner and when there are no pages to flip of no pictures to look at I lose focus very fast. I think what helps me with audio books is when there are voice actors instead of one narrator saying all the parts. Based on their voice you can kind of tell what type of person they are. One strategy I am going to try is reading a novel with voice actors or a read aloud to try to bring the characters more to life. Even though I don’t like certain types of books, in general, I love to read!

Window or Mirror: Frizzy by Caribel A. Ortega



Picture from Sora

A book I recently read is Frizzy by Caribel A. Ortega. I think this book is a mirror book because I have somewhat of the same hair as the main character. A mirror book is a book that you see yourself in; it’s a book that you can relate to easily. The book isn’t an exact replica of your life but it’s similar. The other type of book is a window book. A window book is a book treat that lets you see and feel different experiences. The main character might not be your age, or they don’t live in the same place, and might not be your race! 

This book is a mirror book to me because most of the time my dad takes me to the salon and its pure torture! They rip your hair out and comb your scalp until your head hurts! Just like the main character, I also hate the salon. Also my hair is very different from most Americans’ hair. It’s really curly and it’s almost like a big poof. Just like the main character I like trying out new styles with my natural hair. Just to sum it up, I think this is a mirror book because I am like the main character in the sense that we both hate the salon, we both love our natural hair and we are both different!

The Barbie Movie Reveiw




The Barbie movie was very powerful. I really liked the set and the songs. It talks about feminism but kids will still understand it. It was also very funny. My favorite part was when Ken was crushing his signature song “I’m just KEN!” Out of all 42 of the Barbie movies this is the best one.

Both me and my sister loved it! This was a very heartwarming tale. This is what my friend Rue said about the Barbie movie: “ I think that it shows that women have a lot more power than when people think about the stereotypical barbie. And I also think that it sort of extinguishes the saying of dumb blonde.” And My friend Venia said: “I think it was very strong and powerful like it punched you in the face”. I agree with Venia and Rue. It was very powerful but also very funny at the same time. I also think the plot was all over the place. But think that the most important takeaway from this movie is that everyone is KENOUGH.

Camp Kirkwood



Once we got to the camp it was raining hard. Wet puddles were everywhere. We went to this pavilion and spotted my bag. We went in cabin groups to go see the cabins. They were interesting. The rest of the day was kind of a blur. I did get stung by my first wasp though!

By the way, all these activities are all out of order. When we went to play Gaga, right next to the court was the cutest pig ever! She rolled around and played with her ball. We even got to pet her! We also did the v-swing, Kanga jump, and zip line, the v-swing is this really big swing and when you let go you sway left to right. I was VERY scared the first time. But the second time, I went low, but I still did it. When we got to the zip line I was scared at first, but the v-swing prepared me for it. I went up the rope ladder and screamed! It was so fun! The pool was fun too! Some kids found lizards at the side of the pool. I got to hold one. Me and my friend named one of the lizards Fred the dude. 

We went canoeing and that was fun, but sometimes I felt like I was gonna tip overboard. We had s’mores. They were sooo good! We had snow cones as well. I put a bucket of flavoring in mine. The actual meals were interesting. I don’t  think I’ve eaten family style before. But the Mac and cheese was so good, I wish they would allow refills though. Overall, I think it was a very fun experience. And I would like to do it again.